Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weight a Second

Pride goeth before the fall

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.
-- Proverbs 16: 18-19 (KJV)

Yes I'm quoting the Bible.

No I didn't find God, still as unsure as ever, regardless that old book has some real words of wisdom whether they came from above or from some wise old sage.

A mere three days ago I stepped on the scale and saw 193 lbs and then blogged about it. Granted, I qualified it by saying it was a lot of water weight. And I did mention that it was immediately after running.

That being said I celebrated by taking the foot of the gas, as in easing up on my workouts, eating with little or no concerns, and having a couple more beers than planned.

And today as I tinkered with the weight, sliding it along waiting for the arrow on the end find it's balance. I slid it past the 194 mark, 196, 198. Was I going to have to re-align the counter weights?

No the arrow final settled at 199 and a touch.

Ok. Time to get serious. I'll still be focusing on the FUN part of training, but I won't ignore the diet or the tried and true reality of the long runs.


Anonymous said...

Deeeeeaaaaarrrrrr Johnny,

P90X i triple dog dare ya!
