Friday, July 24, 2009

My Little Pickle

Ok, I know it's really a cucumber. Pickling is a process, but you can already imagine it fulfilling its destiny.

Gifts from the Garden

The garden continues to amaze and beguile me. I haven't been able to give it as much attention as I wished to, however I didn't abuse or abandon it like in years past. So I'm always excited and pleased when I can harvest and eat something from our little vertical plot of earth.

A summer pumpkin? This little guy sprouted up a while ago, I didn't know what it was, something that it made it through the composter intact. I let it grow and grow and finally this melon started turn orange and revealed itself.

A sunny disposition but I did have to tie his head up, its weight had him bowing down towards earth.

Lots of cayenne

The grapes although not great in number are finally sweet enough to eat without too much tartness.

A sampling of goodies from the garden

Other Cool things in the Garden

The beauty of flowers and


This little guy we rescued from the pool a bit earlier.

And then his friend showed up.