Sunday, April 22, 2007

Goodbye Skye, Hello Hell Week

So Friday Skye flew up to Oregon to visit my mom, Granma Dianne, and of course, Cindy. Thing is, she is flying by herself, whoa, big girl time. Yeah Skye is making the trip on her own, and as you can see, she is a little nervous.

But in the end she fared wonderfully and now I am attempting to finish the "backyard project". The little project that started 2 years ago, the little project that I bought a pick-up truck to help complete, the little project that has become more than a thorn in my side. When it is complete, however, I will be, (hopefully) in paradise. I am taking daily photos and records but because there are secret surprises for Cindy, I will not publish until her LA return.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

That ain't no big thing

I've hired the guys standing outside Home Depot a couple of times, and I always end up outworking them by like a 2-1 margin, giving them the benefit of the doubt on that, and I end up feeling like a baby sitter or a warden or something. Needless to say, it's not my favorite option and after literally 3 attempts I just decided I'd do it myself, or if seriously pressed I'd call up a friend or two, maybe shanghai a set dressing crew, pull a little g job(I guess it would help to be working) Overall I haven't either of these often, almost never. What I have been doing, is taking forever to get these projects done and doing serious damage to my body and sanity. Case in point, yesterday's delivery: 175 cinder block, 75 bags gravel, 67 bags of cement, 50 bags of sand.

It took a little longer to move and find places to store all this stuff than I thought it would and I'm a bit sore, but I didn't hire the guys from Home Depot and I think the cement bags had fun on the slide I made for them

Soccer camp

Skye took advantage of the spring break season by attending a soccer camp, ran by some Irish fellows, so not only did she get some excercise improve her soccer skills but she got a little cultural exposure as well. Her coach was Bulgarian, so she was sporting the Bulgarian colors, in their "World Cup".

Check me out.

The coach gives her a certificate and points out her authentic Bulgarian shield. Way to go Skye!!!

Cancer for a Cancer? What the _____!!!!

Okay, I go somewhat regularly to a dermatologist to get my skin checked out for cancer, being so pale and pink. And I generally get some stuff frozen or cut away. All in house, takes a few minutes, no big deal. That being said, you wouldn't think I would be too shocked when I got the call that a biopsy came back with the result being melanoma. Turns out I had a surface variety that apparently is the best one to get, it spreads on the surface before going deeper and into your lymph system, etc. The good news, we caught it early, they sliced it out, chest ex ray clean, lab report says they got it. Bad news, I am even more predisposed to get it in the future than I thought, oh by the way I was shock, smack you in the head and look at the world a bit differently kind of shocked, which means more regular check ups and monitoring. And my tattoo is rather marred, to the point that I don't know if it still holds its original meaning, "Never give up, Persevere" Ironic, foretelling, I try not to read too much into it, but what the hell? So Toshi or Deborah, if you read this can you check out the before and after and tell me.

You see that little scab? That was where the mole was that they biopsied. The one next to it is obviously the after, note the tattoo alteration.
So I guess I am officially a cancer survivor. I didn't lose a testicle or breast, or have to go through chemo or major surgery, so I probably won't be winning the Tour or making the talk show circuit. I just got a little scarred or scared depending on how you look at it.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter from Portland

Skye and I head up to Portland to have a nice Easter break with Cindy. We stay at Timberline Lodge, up at Mt. Hood. Absolutely beautiful and clear when we get up there. I take one picture, figuring we'll pose tommorrow when we're all a bit more rested.....

A bit of advice, sieze the moment, especially when it comes to photo ops. The next day brought clouds. Really couldn't tell where we were. It was slushy and rainy there would be no skiing today.

Back in Portland, we took the MAX, up to the World Forestry Center. Another fun homeschool/tourist/family outing combo oppurtunity. We realize how exhausted we all are, that we all are fighting colds and sniffles, and the weekend becomes a wonderful series of naps, TV and take out food. Skye was much more adept at finding the Easter Bunny's hidden offerings. With that we say