Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jonny Law and Jonny Vegas

Years and years ago when one of my many nicknames was Jonny Vegas, since I was born there with 3 magical 7's in my birth date, I had my share of run-ins with the police, little petty things, mind you and plenty of parking tickets that tend to plague the youthful, brash and unaware.

Well for whatever reason it seems a certain aspect of my youth is re-visiting me.

The ridiculous jay walking ticket is still pending and yesterday the absurdities continued.

Signs had been posted that they were repaving the street in front of our house. And I made ample preparations. I moved Cindy's car the night before. I packed up gear for the following day and put the bike rack on the Explorer.

The morning the day of, I woke up quite early, loaded my bike and drove to another street to park the car away from the posted streets. Then I went for a jog, came back grabbed my bike and bicycled back.

A few hours later, Skye and I hopped on our bikes and set out to continue on our day.

When we got to where I had parked the Explorer, it was gone and the road was in the middle of getting paved.

And there were a whole slew of No Parking Signs posted. So many it would have been practically impossible to for me to miss, having first driven past them, then jogged past them both coming and going and then finally bicycled past them.

What I figured happened, is that the County Workers forgot to post this particular street, (it is out of the way and very easy to miss) and when they came back to actually do the paving, they realized their oversight and threw up a bunch of signs. They're just the temporary type that are easily wired up.

Can I prove this? Of course not. So a major inconvenience, a financial set-back, but life goes on.

In the immortal words of NWA, "F--k the Police" especially the wanna-be meter maids.


Theresa said...

Fight it dude. Interview the neighbors on video saying that there were no signs until that morning. Make them actually show up in court and prove that they didn't put up signs.
Do it for the next person that they will screw over.....