Sunday, February 21, 2010

Warning Blog Jam Ahead

I looked up my last post, February 15. Its been less than a week and I am spinning with updates, backed up, imagined and contrived, occurrences and observations. So in no particular order I will spew forth a bunch of word concept fragments notes and confusionations.

Inglorious Bastards, Mantids, Entomology and beyond, from one task to ten, death row in the garden and I am not in jail, running not running, a kettle of fish or rather tanks for the memories. Incubation and what the post office may think.

I said it was a word spew.

World of worms, eggs, eggs and less eggs, candling and burning down the house, mushrooms from afar, tasting bees and role reversals, rock on, bullfrogs, where do I live, evolution, creationism and observations of public education.

Milagro Vertical Farms, Back Yard Buddies, the web site that will never be (Say it isn't so)

A bunch of cool tunes, Kobe where art thou, but wait the team is still winning, mostlyish.

Ecology 101--24/7

One picture as a tease, or a warning......falling asleep on the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!