Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Cindy Weekend

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy

Cindy was coming home for the weekend for her birthday. Flying in on Friday and out before noon on Sunday. She's hard enough to shop for on a regular tic, forget about a fly-through b-day, when things are coming off the rails.

I felt like I might be coming down with something, but with my lack of sleep and just juggling way too much, I thought it might just be me getting run down.

I thought about not going to jui jitsu and then decided to power through, but then a oop a doop twist had me practically cracking a rib. I've busted my ribs before and it sucks. This wasn't on that level, it was a muscle thing I think. It hurt bad but not like, I've had before.

That "coming down with it feeling" fully manifested itself by the time we were picking Cindy up making driving, coughing, breathing and laughing painful. My head felt stuffed with cotton. Skye was under the weather too. So when Cindy got in, it was a pretty motely crew she was meeting.

Skye and I thought that a nice clean and organized house would be what Cindy really wanted. And I'm sure it would have been nice.

But not only was the sickness and injury but the rain came in and our house is less than weather-proof, we had leaks and nonsence happening and me in sick criple mode trying to contend with these things.

We did, in the end have a wonderful and beautiful weekend together, just happy to be enjoying one another's company.

I had got Cindy a nice shirt at the eco fair, but the cleaning lady had "put it away" and I only just found it as Cindy was loading her stuff in the car on Sunday getting ready to head back to Atlanta.

Luckily on Sunday the clouds parted and made for one of those amazingly clear LA days.

But sadly also had to say goodbye to our dear wife/mama Cindy.