Sunday, May 27, 2007

Honduras to Granada, Home at last.

We had gotten bitten the night before, not only by the border swindlers but by mosquitos. But we were now headed for home, one last border. We arrived early, not so much craziness. Got through again saying the registration was both title and registration. We had made it. We thought we might stop in the Nicaraguan highlands for lunch, but did not see anything too appealing and did not want to hunt it out. So we carried on and were just about in Granada when we got waved over by the police. All papers were in order, but we did not have an emergency triangle. They were going to take away my liscence. After 3000 miles I was about to lose my liscence for not having a $4 dollar plastic triangle. Well the offense was "taken care of" and we limped finally into Granada. We came into the hotel, no reservation, just beaten down.
"You're back" We were greeted with. "I remember you two. You're back. Welcome" We were finally home.