Saturday, August 14, 2010

Did I tell you the one about the blind cat?

Room for Rent?

We have a guest bedroom that has played host to a number of guests, paying, not paying and some-wheres in between. I don't make mention of them for the most part because this is Where in the World is Jon? not whose at the Milagro pad now?

Anyhow, a small aspect of this has made it to the blog, cause it's funny and cool.

One rule and we have so few, me being an anarchist and all, but one steadfast rule has been no pets. So when the last guest said she had a blind cat, well at first I thought, "this isn't'a good idea" and then I thought, "it's a blind cat, it's probably, a runt, will never come out from under the bed much less out of the room, not to mention, its' lifespan will probably make it a non-issue." A little harsh but sometimes it's a hard, cruel world even for kitties.


And in comes Rama, a not so little black cat, with a warrior's heart who explores as much as he is allowed. He makes it up the stairs with no problem. And he even won over the heart of our own favorite skeptic Cici.

Cute as can be, chillin' on the stairs

Photo-op, ebony and ivory and well just ebony.