Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Not to be confused with MLK's "I Have a Dream", but I did have a dream and given how little I sleep and the wrecked and disturbed type of sleep I have, it is a rarity that I actually remember a dream. But I did this morning, and while I won't share the dream itself and its oddities and bizarre details and nonsensicals, I will relay its effect on me and this blog.

I have called this blog "Where in the World is Jon" and have tried to really inform readers that it is about more than time and space but in reality it has become a historical reference, a snap shot as to where I have been and what I have been doing, a very literal and physical telling of "Where in the World is Jon"

But I feel I need to be more honest and need to describe and share the metaphysical aspects, my political leanings and at times perhaps the too personal elements of "Where in the World Is Jon " so brace yourselves or stop checking it out or.......

But this blog is "Where in the World is Jon?"