Friday, November 05, 2010

A Full Fall Day

Last week with little time between us and Halloween, I realized we still hadn't made it to the Spider Pavilion.

So off to spidey world....

When a picture is worth a 1000 words, I give you oodles and oodles of words....

Beautiful wonderfully magic Arachnids.

And since we had a few minutes and were so close we took a trip over to the Science Center and the Ecosystems exhibit


And this was just the preview room

So many zones, so little time

So of course we go to the extremes

Tide pools and kelp forests.

photo-journalist in training

Amazing tunnels under the sea

"You lookin' at me" Corny but appropriate line, can you name the De Niro movie it's from?


An illegal alien?

You missed a spot

And then to more familiar territory

Did someone say de-composition?

Hey look they actually labeled Baldwin Hills our humble abode, must have been an African American cartographer.

And now off to Aerial Arts

all in a day of Danniells' adventures