Before we headed off to Chicago, I sent out an e-mail looking for homes for a goodly part of our menagerie. Within 24 hours, we part company with 10 tilapia, 2 crawfish, 2 Egyptian toads. and the last four of our poultry flock.
It's become sort of a custom for Skye to take a picture with the hens before they leave us.
Peace was a real sweetheart and had the cutest little trill voice.
The top bird of our flock, Oreo was one of the originals and held the peace. She was a very gentle and wise leader.
Looking a little worse for wear. The real Original, Blondie who we practically rescued from a horrible pet shop in the Valley. She was the tamest of the lot and would "help" me garden. Any time the shovel came out she was there before I could turn the earth, ready to get in and find some bugs in the upturned soil.
And last but not least Cocoa, a gorgeous girl who was moving up the pecking order. She was fast becoming Skye's favorite.
You will all be missed. Thanks for the memories and the eggs.
On their last day on the farm, each and every girl laid an egg. One was extra large. Thanks again girls. Enjoy your new home.
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