This year, wife out of state, child a pre-teen, life confused and in transition
Too much going on to enjoy.....
But I rallied, sort of....
We made it to the home school ball
LATE and hanging figs on "trees" in the parking lot when we got there, me not able to snap a shot of my daughter cause she took off and was hangin' with friends 2 seconds into it and she the one she took one of me did not capture the "magic" of the le cirque experience I had thought I had created.
Yes, yes or creepier than I thought, no yes, yes
So the home school ball fun as it was, was a photo-0p bust.
but wait, what about the real Halloween.
Yeah, she bolted with her friends. I managed......
Attitude and out of focus and...
Now that's better, sort of
The day after we were able to reconstruct...
Dad's worm eating fancy
and my trick and treat for the children.
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