I got a call from one of the folks who took a few of our young birds at the last big poultry migration. Turns out one of them was a rooster, he took even longer to fess up than Ostrich. Well after I told her where roosters can go without fear of ending up in the ring or in a pot, she expressed an interest in replacing him. Why not two?
Beautiful little Domino. She was the only one who laid white eggs. Such a pretty little girl.
Goodbye Falcon. She ended up with quite a distinctive comb and certainly lived up to her name. She was a pretty good flier, for a chicken.
Their new home is up in Topanga. It is so gorgeous up there. And not to worry their pen is raccoon and coyote proof, tight wire all the way around including underneath. A lot more secure than their Don Milagro digs, which is just as well cause these two were the escape artists of the crew. Fortunately as soon as they were out they wanted back in even more than they wanted out.
In their new home with their new crew, I mean flock. The young lad is keeping the peace.
Good-bye girls enjoy life in the woods.
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