For a while I had let the animals have free reign, but they were having too much of a negative effect on the local flora.
Evidence of what they are capable of. This was one of my prized pepper plants. Was...
My New Resolve
Trying to find the silver lining in the clouds of despair of our rabbit episode, I resolved to get out and plant, as I had been holding off until I had proper housing for both the chickens and the aforementioned bunnies. Seeing as to how in the past they were all guilty for certain levels of crop destruction.
Well now I had the chicken coop and run completed, at least to the point of containment, there are modifications and additions but I can keep them in their place, more or less. And the rabbits well, ......
I know why the cage bird sings, or clucks.....
In this vein I planted one of the beds that the panels to keep the critters out had been 100% completed. "And it was good"
I used straw from where the bunnies used to bed down for the night as a mulch.
And then I planted and seeded the second bed. I had panels but the hooks to keep them in place weren't put in yet so I had the idea to simply set them in place. In fact I basically divided the garden in half and was able to not only plant and seed a second bed but also to plant the pathway, under which Shadow(the rabbit that was found and whose body was recovered) was burried. I broadcast seeded the path with Crimson Clover which I thought was a fitting gesture in memory of the bunnies past.
The avian horde peers in longingly at the newly planted bed and path.
The winds that didn't reach the tornado level of Long Beach did manage to blow down the separating panel. The hens got in and had there way with my flora friends.
This is what I came home to.
There was a beautiful fennel plant next to this marker. I don't know if they pulled out the entire plant or if there is still a nub of life down there somewhere. Rain ended my search.
The guilty parties back in their run, avoiding the rain under a makeshift lean to.
An artichoke plant the is big and mean enough to withstand the ravaging hordes.
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