I turned off my flash and was squished in the back, so my photos are fuzzier and lamer than usual.
The show started off with a very fun and cool Lion Dance which is similar to the Chinese Dragon dance, except its a Lion and only two people as opposed to the dragon which can have up to ten people. It was a very cute routine, but I was not camera ready so no pics, but it was very interesting to see the use of traditional martial arts moves coupled with life-size puppetry and theater.
After that our instructor from the Eagle Rock facility opened the aerial arts part of the show with a performance using an apparatus called the aerial hammock, similar to the aerial silks we do but its one big loop of fabric.
Our "PE " instructor, Leslie in action. Not like the Phys. Ed I had when I was in school.
It's hard to get an idea of what's going on with my bad pics, hopefully you get the picture.
The cocoon-like aspect of the hammock can be quite magical. I have seen it in theater performances, with proper lighting and effects, creepy and exquisite.
A traditional Wushu master did an invigorating sword dance.
A sensual dance and aerial performance followed.
They were very beautiful together, passionate and loving, but like I said quite sensual. I don't know how the daytime, kid infested crowd took it in. But with such great vibes flowing through the place, I don't think anyone was weirded out. I was glad that Skye got to see such a relevant and thoughtful piece that combined so many mediums and was being performed at the space where we would be training at.
And then the home schoolers took the floor. First with a couple of theatrical pieces.
The poise, composure and abilities of these "kids" was quite impressive.
And then the performances ended with a mad free for all with the home school troop literally throwing themselves into one frenetic, spontaneous frenzy of free play and movement on trapeze and silks and flying and swirling all about.
Fun and inspiring.
So many of the kids can go into these amazing splits on the silks.
I almost got really hurt yesterday trying to duplicate it. First when my legs weren't quite that gumby-like and second get my feet out and struggled like a dolphin in a tuna net. Luckily I got out before I was Starkissed.
At the end they had audencie participation with drums passed out to many of the spectators. Skye and cool friend would have no part in such an embarassing expression of lameness.
Too cool for School........literally.
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