Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Catalina 50 mile-run Canceled ....for me at least

Several months back, I signed up for a bunch of races and marathons with the notion that if I committed to doing the event, all of the practicalities, such as logistics and training would somehow just happen. Oddly enough this method did indeed work, up until now. In fact, I posted my best marathon time ever in Death Valley just a few weeks after running my most enjoyable marathon do date in Malibu and with even less standard or traditional training than my usual less than normal amount of traditional training.

However, after much thought and consternation, I realized that the Catalina Ultra marathon was beyond impractical, just a shy step away from impossible. That being said, now I can really ramp up my jui jitsu training, work on my FUNctional routines, fly in aerial arts, grind out the Spartacus challenge and push to get a sub-four hour marathon at the L.A. Marathon, March 21.

I also signed up for the Warrior Dash in April. A crazy looking three mile obstacle course.

Maybe I'll give Catalina a try next year, or the next. I signed up for the Death Valley Marathon around ten years ago and couldn't make it because of work and this year I ran it had a great time, so who knows?