I was a little nervous. Didn't know this crew, besides the lead who had given me the call. I have only done a handful of commercials and have stayed away from working on-set as much I could.
The day started out with me leaving the house a little after 5, giving myself more than enough time to get to the location, only to realize as I got closer to the set that I had left the details on my desk at home. Thank goodness for cell phones. Also realized, that although I packed every tool I could imagine while still being able to be semi-mobile, I didn't have gloves. The 7-11 had cotton garden glove, which I bought in spite of their geekiness.
Hazing, candid-camera or....
My first mission of the day was to get the production designer's phone from his car. I was tossed the keys and pointed toward where his car was.
It was a pretty beat up car for the department head, but maybe just different priorities. I understand, I don't partically care what I'm driving.
The keys don't fit and the remote car alarm devise isn't working.
I finally wiggle the keys and the lock opens. When I open the door, the alarm goes off.
I'm trying to get the key in the ignition and get it started hoping that will shut off the racket. Which is beginning to turn heads.
No luck.
I am hitting the buttons on the alarm remote.
No use.
Also looking for the cell phone, which isn't there but his wallet is..
After what seemed like forever, but was legitmate minute or so of this loud alarm going off at crew parking, next to the set and the catering truck, I start looking around for my boss(the leadman, not the designer) and also for hidden cameras.
Someone comes over and tells me to pop the hood so we can disconnect the alarm.
The alarm stops and we shut the hood. I slam the door to go off in search of the leadman.
The alarm starts. I keep walking away.
When I catch up to my buddy, tell him what's going on, he looks over to the car with the alarm still sounding.
"That's not his car. How'd you get it open?"
The alarm stopped and we kept walking.
That was how I started off my day back on the job.
The rest of the day went relatively smoothly and even got to see and elephant and run a fire hose.
How cool is that?