I've been looking for containers to use as part of an aquaponic system that I will maybe someday put together. My latest stab in the dark took me back to my ol' stomping grounds where I spent my formative years, looking for of all things a plastic horse trough.
As a kid, this place was one of my favorite places. It made me want to "go rural". I can't believe it's still there, just like I remember it. So very few places in L.A. have any sort of history. It was fun showing Skye a little bit of my history.
This is the house where I grew up from I think like 4th grade to college. Oh the memories.
Woodland Hills Academy was Parkman Jr. High School where I attended 9th grade.
And then off to Taft High, 3 pretty dismal years.
When I went to school, I remember there were a couple of armed plains clothes detectives who regularly frequented our hallways.
Skye and I swung by the other day and there were two squad cars parked outside which was a little disconcerting.
In-and Out Burger survived, but McDonald's did not.
This Pollo Loco was where a McDonalds used to be, home to my first job and perhaps a good part of my fear and loathing of McDonalds.
Location of my first savings account, but it was a Llyond's Bank way back then.
Corbin Bowl survives. Bravo!!!!!!!
Pierce Community College
I took classes at various times, particularly during the summers, as well as running through the campus with Taft High's cross country running team. The campus' pastoral setting made me want to retreat an "easier" way of life out in the countryside, but that was not to be.
Skye enjoying a suburban farm moment.
This was not here when I was a kid. Pretty cool. Skye and I picked up some corn and some sugar pumpkins that we would later convert into pumpkin pies, more on that latter.
I love corn mazes, but Pierce didn't have them when I was growing up.
All in all a wonderful journey
I didn't know you worked at McDonalds. Wow. It all makes sense. JK
just got caught up with your blog - love that you took skye to see your house and your schools and all that!
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