Monday, October 19, 2009

Home Sweet Home

The first days were spent downloading from the trip,literally, be it physically with our luggage and goods or virtually from various digital mediums.

Daisy the Banished Cat welcomed us home by making a point of reminding us why she was banished peeing and poohing defiantly on couches and beds, which of course meant stripping them down, cleaning and laundering sheets and such and then rebannishing Daisy.

Then came the rains, which had me punching holes through out the house trying to track down leaks and drips. Somehow knowing that I had to repair one ceiling (where I put up the trapeze-type rig) made me feel like a few more holes wouldn't be that much work. I will regret that latter I'm sure.

The pursuit of the aqua-invaders had me looking from above as well, pulling out the extension ladder and climbing all over our roof as the rain made things nice and slick. At one point, I was up on the roof with a shop-vac, cleaning out gutters and then tracking the water's paths with food coloring. More to-do's jumped on the already endless list.

Then it became the scramble to re-insert ourselves back into our L.A. community.

Monday brought a surreal park day, with us just barely getting there before more rain and me unable to coherently tell much about the trip and of course that feeling like you've been gone forever and yet never left.

Tuesday saw Skye starting a Shakespeare program and just starting to prepare for her speech for her Public Speaking class, which was to be 6-8 minutes, can feel like an eternity when speaking in front of a group.

Wednesday we were back swinging around in our aerial, and then practice, practice, practice on the speech, oh that speech.

Thursday---The dreaded speech,.........



We reunited with our two rats and a wonderful park day.

Friday had me rolling around, back to jui jitsu training. Add in all the typical chore type things, errands and nonsense and continuous unpacking, training for the upcoming marathon(s).


The garden was left mostly untended, its plethora of tasks looming on the horizon, like the dark rain clouds that welcomed us back.