Skye getting her email fix before we went into camping mode.
We headed into Texas' panhandle, an area I barely knew existed, but there was supposedly a bison herd there and a stone's throw away was Oklahoma's high point.
The timing of this road runner and its perfect path in front of the parks entry sign seemed almost like anamatronics were at work.
After checking out the herd that was "pastured" there and then these bizzarre cutouts, maybe I wasn't that far off.
All said though, it was another beautiful and well tended Texas state park.
A little aside here, but one thing that I've noticed while on one of my latest whimsical quests, is borders. They are so ridiculously arbitrary. Amoung states it's not so harmful, funny often. But you know when it comes to countries and such, well it can really mess things up. But I have been more than aware of this kind of stuff as Skye and I go off and out of our way to grab "High Points", the highest elevation in a state. So many times we are barely within the border of said state. Florida for instance; the area we were in was much more Alabama than Florida and now here we are headed towards a tiny sliver of Oklahoma, that could have just as easily been in Colorado or Texas and then the little bump of Black Mesa that makes it an Okie high point would not even be the highest elevation on that geographical platuea.
But borders are borders and so we would be headed off to Black Mesa Oklahma, through the Texas panhandle.
Google "experts" damn you!!
I have been reading a lot about the death of journalism and other "professional" agencies that have been undercut by the "free" reporting and advice giving by internet types.
Well after googling for culinary recomendations for Amarillo Texas, I am chiming in whole heartedly on the side of the professionals.
The whole Iphone convienance, with its entirely inconvient tiny key pad and less than speedy internet and sometimes not there reception, almost sent me into a tailspin as I googled for lunch recomdations and then GPS'd these locations only to land a boarded up BBQ.
Amarillo's Best....Really?
So we headed across the street for some good home cookin'.
I've always wondered about how you can have home cooking at a restaraunt. Doesn't that by definition cancel out the "home" part of the claim.
After checking out the menu, I realized that even in my current "goin' native" eating stlyings, I was gonna have a tough time. Finally, we both decided to go with the Vegetable Side Special.
The salads that came first definitely had some green in them, but the rest of our choosins were questionable to say the least.
Chicken fried corn on the cob, sweet corn, onion rings, carrots(ruined in two different ways), macoroni and cheese round of the 8 different types of veggie sides we had.
Random Road Sightings
Good to know, I guess.
Is that why Vampires are seen as being in league with the Devil?
Some of the best street signs I have ever seen, in the absolute middle of nowhere.
Skye doin' a little cotton pickin' theivary. It is amazing how soft raw cotton is.
Today we allowed for all sorts of side tracking.
A lovely anachrid indeed.
We just barely missed our destination
After blasting our way to Atlanta and then back to Dallas and missing out on way too much we gave into many diversions along the way to where we didn't know.
We "rescued" this little guy from the middle of the road and placed him off to the side of the road in the direction it looked like he was heading.
Clouds so beautiful they looked like they were painted.
When we finally did remember we had a goal to reach, that being Oklahoma's high point we were slowed by.....cows.
An amazing pic, eh?
Okie cows rule!!
We reached the trail head with not quite enough time to make it up and back so we set camp. Or so we thought....
Enjoying hot dogs and s'mores.
Home sweet home.
Until the winds kicked in and practically blew our tent away.
Really the whole "Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain" is no joke. We had to break down camp after attempting unsuccessfully in tornando like conditions (yes a little exageration, but key on the "little") We latter relocated to a less windy area in the camp just this side of midnight.
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