Juijitsu(My class)-Playa del Rey; Girls scouts Westchester; Pick up race bib USC, retrieve and collect costumes, (Baldwin Hills); Back to pick up Skye and buddy from girls scout to take to Capoeria (Santa Monica) via trip back to Baldwin Hills for forgotten Capoeria uniform(Oops); Home school Halloween Family dance (Studio City); Back home to drop off Skye and then off to USC to run in the Human Race at just past mid-night.
And all the while working on "school work", a little car-schooling, here, some audio-book bits there, and utilizing hand-held digital devices for edu-tainment.
Nike's Human Race 2009
After being up since around 6 am and then bopping all around LA, it was more than a little tough to trek on down to USC 10ish to jostle around with a few thousand other runners, many being college age USC types.
Once I got there, parked and got all checked in and was hanging around the start the energy was infectious. And I was ready to bust out a good 6 mile training run.
Considering the first mile was little more than a shuffle of packed in sardine-runners, my 50 minute run wasn't awful and the fact that I had plenty left in the tank as it were, was a positive. But I did feel a bit sluggish and heavy.
I am in full support of making LA more beer friendly.
This was post-race. The girl on the phone in the foreground was one of many. Cell phones, Facebook, texting... All of the connectiveness, that at times disconnects us from our immediate surroundings lends itself to many questions and discussions that will be obsolete almost as soon as they are voiced, given the speed at which technologies and trends are changing.
As full as Friday had been, Saturday wanted to match it. But I was done. There were several "350" events that I had wanted to make it to, there was the Film Maker's Alliance picnic, there were friends that I had planned to see and just couldn't. I hibernated on Saturday. And actually did more of the same on Sunday, when Skye was away for the better part of the day and I was supposed to run my long-training run and didn't.
Early Morning Miles
I put in 20 miles Monday morning, heading out around 6 am, 3 plus hours on the road. I was feeling and running slow. The result of not enough sleep, bad diet and mostly weeks off of training and being jammed in a car for many hours a day of road tripping.
Tuesday-Speed Work
I hit the road to work on some speed, put in a good fast 1 hour bit. 15 minutes into it and I am feeling dehydrated and heavy as a clydesdale. And then I remember that I should really be taking a day off.
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