Friday, February 13, 2009

The Grey of Green- Lightbulb disposal

The other day after changing several burnt out light bulbs, I seemed to recall that there was a "correct" means of disposing of light bulbs. After spending way too much time looking for the book "Green House--eco-friendly disposal and recycling at home" I found some disturbing information.

Incandescent lights are trash, nothing hazardous, no recycling market for its glass or metal. The new more efficient and therefore "green" CFLs (compact fluorescent lights) contain mercury. Now I have heard that the amounts are insignificant, however when hundreds of thousands or rather millions of them start ending up in landfills. Well you can imagine the unfortunate toxic results. But like batteries and ink cartridges and paint and on and on with the hazardous waste we as individuals create there are collection programs and facilities.

Now I am saving my bad CFLs until I can locate such a place. So keep that in mind when tossing out your used "green" bulbs.