After driving down to San Diego and falling in love with a couple of beautiful Giant Chinchilla Rabbits, we were informed that even though the rabbits were for sale and in fact sold, you could not take possession of said rabbits until the convention closed on Thursday, meaning one more trip down to San Diego.
Where in the World Will the Rabbits Go?
Remember when I said I had planned to maybe get the rabbits in December or beyond? What that translates to is that I had not no permanent housing for the rabbits. I, mean, I had a pretty good idea of where they'd go and it was/is a pretty cool idea, but real rabbits couldn't very well live in an idea. Add to that that after a bit of research it turned out that these "special" rabbits also needed "special" housing. It had to be extra-large, no surprise there, but a wire flooring was not an option because of there weight. They needed to have a wood floor, so my original "idea" for housing would have to be modified. In the mean time they would need a place to stay.
As a temporary housing option, I got a cage meant for a large dog that could be divided. The problem was that while it was big enough for a sleeping quarter, (it was bigger than the cages they had been in for the previous week) they would need more room to move around.
Opaline(Opaline) and Shadow(Conpet),(both re-named, but still unofficial, remember they are pedigree animals after all), exercising in the TV room. That would be the first of their "temporary" housing arrangements.
Opaline trying to take over my chair.
How many rabbits are there? Are they already multiplying?
All smoke and mirrors.
But seriously, what I realized rather quickly was that everything about these rabbits was bigger than normal.
They ate more and well, what goes in must come out, and it did. Which meant that the confined environs of the TV room began to smell of rabbit pretty quickly. I moved them down to the living room where the still unfinished floor would make for a good place for the rabbits to stretch their legs while I planned and made their permanent housing.
Another Craig's List Find
Breezing through Craig's list, I happened upon a listing for rabbit cages, what an amazing stroke of luck. Only thing was they were all the way up in Lancaster.
The back was stuffed with cages so I piled this last 10' x 24" cage on top and headed home, very much Beverly Hillbilly style.
I am still working on the Giant Rabbit Warren, in the meantime.....
To Be Continued.....
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