Thursday, December 24, 2009

I am Spartacus !!!!

I was flipping through a copy of my latest Men's Health magazine when I came on a workout that is similar to one I've been considering and a challenge, the Spartacus Challenge.

Game on!!!

The Spartacus workout

Here's how Men's Fitness put it: " we chose 10 exercises that collectively work every part of your body, and then placed each at a 60-second station, in order to challenge your heart and lungs as well as your muscles. The final product: A high-intensity circuit that’s designed to burn away fat, define your chest, abs, and arms, and send your fitness levels soaring. So you’ll sculpt a lean, athletic-looking body—while getting in the best shape of your life."

So I signed up and posted my before picture:

So, this is part of my New Year's Resolution to get a six-pack ab. Is that the right way to phrase that.

Anyways, from keg to six-pack, here we go!!!