With the end of the year, the end of the decade, coming in a matter of days, I have started thinking about my resolutions. You know those things that you think about, maybe write down, maybe slur out after one too many cocktails on Dec 31 or swear off on Jan 1 after remembering what you declared a few foggy hours before.
Regardless, as we all know these resolutions very often go unresolved. So this time around I am going to make my resolutions prior to the new year, give 'em a week to set in and coagulate, and then, if and only if, they feel doable, right and worthy do they make the list and ring in the New Year with a toast and some sparkly.
That said, it gives me more flexibility knowing that most of what follows will be left in the decade of the zeros. Here goes:
After half-heartedly searching for a magazine that had a recipe I was planning on doing a couple of weeks, last night for an hour, and then searching again, this time in earnest, this morning for another hour, I realized I have to get a handle on my magazine fetish, not that the resolution involves going without my beloved glossies, no just organizing them.
1 I resolve to organize my magazine collection.
In that same spirit and after receiving for Christmas a most beautiful cookbook that literally brought tears to my eyes, Coco 10 World-Leading Masters 100 Contemporary Chefs.....
2 I resolve to cook 2 new recipes a week from the many books and magazines that have taken residence under my roof.
To balance resolution 2....
3 I resolve to chisel out some six-pack abs... by whatever means necessary,(baring medical procedures and spray tanning)

OK maybe not by any means,
and maybe I should re-think the spray tan.
3 By ends year 2010 have posted 365 entries
4 Get my website, "Jon-Of-All-Trades" up and running
5 Get Back Yard Buddies up and running
6. Pursue Educational Co-op Opportunities
7 One long run each week
(Races and events count)
9 Juijitsu class or training at least 2 times a week
10 Get out of the country at some point
11 Finish all animal housing
12 Patch holes through out house from previous explorations
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