I was left to my own devises by 9:30 ishness, flying up 395 on the way to Mammoth en route to a weekend rendevous with Cindy in San Francisco.
We pulled into Mammoth coming close to midnight, but we'd pitched our tent many a time and in no time we were settling in to catch a few zzz's before Friday's leg to Yosemite.
Just before breaking camp.
Our friend Shane introduced us to Good Life and it has been a Mammoth tradition for years now.
Another Mammoth tradition. We have been taking pictures of Skye in this spot since before the building was there.
A couple of hours and we would be in Yosemite, unless......a fire shutdown the Tioga Pass entrance.
A few hours later, actually more than a few hours and we were finally to Yosemite.
We ended up looking for a campground well after dark to no avail. We ended up in a sweet and comfortable hotel.
We only got a taste of the beauty of the valley on Friday, so I made sure we at least got in an early morning hike amoung the giant sequoias of the Mariposa Grove.
Skye walking up to the grizzly.
Go for it Skye
These are cones from the Sugar Pine, the sequois cones are actually ridiculously small.
We happened on 4 young bucks on our hike.
We headed towards San Francisco only to find that the Bay Bridge was shutdown.
Another detour.
We got to the hotel a few minutes after Cindy.
Sweet reunion.
We had a lovely Indian feast the night before our friend's wedding and then a fill day of walking and trekking in San Francisco.
I am still sore.
We were fortunate enough to see a turf war break out between to of the silver pantomimes that perform near the tourist wharf, that was surreal, thought provoking and probably never to be repeated.
This was the backdrop to the wedding, which was absolutely perfect. One could not have planned or imagined it better.
In the course of our day we saw things as marvelous as Sour Dough turtles and the people who made them.
After a long day's journey and probably five miles or so hoofin' it an amazing and beautiful and healthy meal.
Yummy, yum, yum.
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