Shower, finish packing, load car, feed pets, final house tweekings, wake Skye and get her up and moving and by 6:30 we were out the door.
One final look at the house before life on the road.
Shortly out of LA.
To add to the confusion as well as serve as a motivator, we had planned to go on a home school field trip to Riley's Farm. I had heard fantastic reviews and really regretted missing it. But now since it was practically on the way out of town I wouldn't have to.
One thing I hadn't been able to get done before leaving was to make keys for the several wonderful people who had volunteer to help oversee the Milagro estate. So on top of it all we had to find a hardware shop before the tour, so that I could hand off the keys to one of the home school mom's who was also to be at the farm.
Key mission accomplished.
Riley's farm is actually several different farms at this point and has many tours, U-pick operations, stores, etc.
We were going to be seeing what life on the farm was like in the "pioneer" days circa the 1800's. Historical accuracy and details would be included in follow-up lessons. There gift shop provided me with much materials.
Skye learning to play the wash tub base.
Skye playing in the "school" band.
After some pretty cool music and lesson learning the rest of the day consisted of archery, tomahawk throwing, making dolls from cornhusks, sawing logs with a two-man bow saw(I ended up getting volunteered to man that stationed), pumping water from a well,grinding and pressing apples for cider (I again got volunteered to grind and press) and many more examples of daily chores and activites on the homestead.
Skye and friends picking corn. I would end up again being volunteered to grind up the stalks in the contraption in the bottom corner of the picture. They must of sensed that I was considering "country life".
Skye and pal playing a typical "homestead" game. We've played a version of this at park days with 5 gallon buckets. I originally ran across it as a teen at the Rennaissance Faire.
Skye got to collect eggs from the chicken coup. They were still nice and warm. I see a few hens in our future.
We had a wonderful lunch of home made apple sausage, washed it down with apple cider we had just pressed ourselves, picked some apples for latter on the road. And by a little after 2pm we were back on the road.
Back on the road and my Iphone died.
It is amazing how much I have started to rely on this little devise. Enough that it rerouted us to Phoneix so I could take it to the Apple store and have it looked at.
After inconclusive results we scheduled for further diagnostics in Tuscon for the following morning. Oh the miracles and miseries of modern technology. Very interesting experiencing the pluses and minuses of both to such extents in one day.
Instead of camping(we would have been setting up in the dark regardless), we bedded down in a hotel, which will allow me to post, catch up on e-mails and sleep(a tent and sleeping bag as lovely as they are never give quite the rest as a mattress and blankets) and a warm shower.
And today starts a new adventure.
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