After the marathon weekend through, Mammoth, Yosemite and San Francisco and then the build up and relative success of the SDSA Emmy party, one might imagine that I might try to chill and relax.
And I had planed to; sort of; and then I walked into the bookstore and my love of magazines came over me.
It had actually started in the morning when I somehow walked out of 7-11 with Back Stage, Maxim, and Juxtapose.
I'd picked up a couple of mags in San Francisco, Broken Pencil and Anarchy
At the book store, I insisted on carrying the magazines around, the weight sort of reminding me to not go overboard, sort of....
I was definitely inspired by the mags and was dying to dig into them. But things have since gone a bit awry, more on that to follow.
I still can't wait to get to them but right now I am a bit over my head with more pressing issues.
Maybe tonight......
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