That's not why I'm an idiot.
I've taken on way too much lately, perhaps even more than I usually do, which tends to always be too much. This means I have been sleeping less than usual which is never enough anyway.
That's not why I'm an idiot.
I'm an idiot because I had plenty of time to get to the race with time to spare and I instead tap-tapped away on the computer, checking e-mail and facebook, looking up every in a while to see the US Bank downtown, seeming so close. How long could it take to get there?
On a Friday? In LA?
That is why I'm an idiot. Because regardless of how many times I just make it somewhere or am a little late or am a lot late or oops couldn't make it because of traffic, I seem to be in denial that "Rush Hour" has become "Rush 20" with the hours between 1 am and 4 am being somewhat traffic free.
So even though I was supposed to be at the event an hour before my race at 6:45, thus 5:45. I didn't end up leaving until ten minutes after six and I didn't have the exact address. I mean I could see the building after all, how hard would it be to find it.
So close and yet so far.
Inching forward.
I ending up just making it. I was pinning on my race bib as runners started ahead of me. The race is staggered and timing chips time racers individually. But I ended up being the last person in my division to head up the stairs. I was still fumbling with my Ipod, actually my shuffle and just remembered to start timing on my watch several flights up. But some how, even though I had just gotten out of maddening traffic, and had been up since 4:30 in the morning, worked all day and barely had trained, somehow, I managed to better my time, clocking in at 17:09 placing 70 out of 258, 14 out of 35 in my age group. So all in all it turned out well.
There it is 75 stories of fun, fun, fun.
Those are the three winners, all coming in with sub-10 minute climbs. Maybe next year, with a little more training and.....
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