Sunday, September 07, 2008

Climbing stairs, chasing skirts and running through tar

Ever since the Nike Human Race wake up call I have been vowing to get back in shape. To that end I have signed up for a few fun events and am contemplating a bunch of others. It would be way cool if I had some pals along with me.

Stairway to heaven?
In just about 3 weeks I will run up the US Bank Tower, the tallest building west of the Mississippi, 1,108 feet. Climbers will race, walk, or crawl up 1,500 steps (75 stories) and take an elevator down. Most participants will climb to the top in 20 to 45 minutes. Elite climbers will race to the top in 13 minutes or less. The course record is 9:28. Last year I finished under 18 minutes. So I'll be trying to beat that this year. I could use some encouragement and some sponsorship. Come on its for a good cause. Just click on YMCA Stair Climb enter my name and sign up.

This is a self-portrait from last year. I would love to see some familiar faces this time around.


On October 5th the whole family will be at the Miracle Mile Run at the TARFEST.

the Skirt Chaser race series

Ok, had to sign up for this one because of how un-pc it is and its just a 5k. Cindy doesn't know yet that she's signed up for it as well. The ladies get a head start and then the dudes try to catch up. I don't know, it seemed like fun and its local Culver City. Again come along and join us on Nov 1.

I have not signed up for but am considering the following events and races, some need team mates. A gentle nudge and some friendly competition or a willing team mate could get me to register:


Marine Corps Bootcamp enough said?

The 2008 Arrowhead Day at the Beach Triathlon , Oct 12
I have yet to try a Triathlon, so go ahead dare me, or better yet join me on my virgin tour.

Renegade Sprint Adventure Race--Oct 19

I need a three person team--who's with me???

Renegade Sprint-Adventure Race & Vasque 3 Mile Trail Run Challenge--October 19


Kathleen said...

Do you have a PayPal account for donations for your stair-climbing one? Thanks for helping La Leche League by buying a ticket to the Sparks game.