Saturday, September 20, 2008

Coming up for Air as My Bluff Is Called


It's been almost two weeks since I last posted and well a lot has gone on in its passing, both personally and, yeah globally. A little shake up in the Markets, the Palin problem, (for those Palin supporters, she is a PROBLEM because at bet she is a distraction, an underhanded attempt by McCain to take the focus off the issues, she is the marble in the political shell game our election process has become. At worst she is a set-back for women, epitomizing the hypocrisy that seems to have taken over the religious right. Jesus was about acceptance and forgiveness, check your Bible and ego before legislating your morality and beliefs on people who see things differently.)

Ok back on to the business of the day, oh yeah, what is that by the way, "big government" coming from the traditionally "less is more" government of the Republican camp. What the F**k is going on?????? No to Universal Health Care but yes to Universal Bail Out, When and Why did Fiscal Health so outweigh Physical Health? That's right when the wealthy and upper-middle class hurt not the poor uninsured or those Vets that fought that Illegal and Ill-perceived overpriced WAR.

Sorry for the political rant. But it matters. It matters to me more than possibly offending people.


Personally, I've been working as a shopper on a pilot, called LAPD. That has been a trip. Just out there shopping for someone other than myself or Cindy, its been like, over a decade or something. I am working with Brian Kasch, our last collaboration was when he decorated the first season of Twin Peaks and I was on the set dressing crew.

I have also been spending a bunch of time organizing seminars and workshops for the Set Decorator's Society of America, SDSA annual Marketplace event, happening Oct. 18. It has been a lot of work, but really informative and I have been learning so much.

Speaking of learning, Cindy has been taking over the home school teacher duties and this 5th grade is off to an amazing start. I can't wait to get back to it, but for now Cindy is doing and awesome job and Skye is soaring.

Skye before heading off to the "Time Traveler's History Club", similar to the Super Duper Show and Tell, but obviously centered around History, this month was the Caribbean 1500-1600, just in time for Speak like a Pirate day. Sept 19.

And then there's the upcoming StairClimb looms over me, literally, cause I'm working downtown so I see the US Bank daily. It's tall.

And the Pattons decided to call my bluff by signing up for the upcoming,

The 2008 Arrowhead Day at the Beach Triathlon , Oct 12

I have yet to try a Triathlon, so go ahead dare me, or better yet join me on my virgin tour."

So I better stop blogging and sign up and start training.