Cindy’s birthday came and went a couple weeks back when I was at my lowest with the flu that hit me. I felt horrible that I could barely acknowledge her birthday much less get her a gift or dinner or anything. I managed to find the card that I had bought the week before and scribbled something in a delirious state.
So as I approached full recovery, I hatched the idea of throwing Cindy a surprise party with this three day weekend coming up. I still wasn’t my normal self but I sent out e-vites and suddenly I realized I had to pull this thing off. So I shopped for snacks and such, determined to keep it simple. I hid all the goodies except the things that needed refrigeration in the garage in old boxes and trash bags. Then I did my best to hide and or distribute things in the fridge to not raise suspicions. Skye and I ordered a cake to pick up on day of the party. How I’d do that I hadn’t figured out. Cindy was curious as to if we would do anything or see anybody over the weekend. I played off that I still needed some recovery time, I didn’t feel like doing much of anything.
The night/early morning, like 2 or 3 am, before the party I got up and sort of laid out the platters and bowls and forks and stuff for the party, took some pics and then re-hid everything. I prepared one simple dish that still needed to be cooked, but I’d figure out how to get that done latter. I really didn’t have a plan yet. I went on-line and bought tickets for a movie for the time the guests would be arriving and getting ready to surprise Cindy upon our return. Then I made a little outline with the pictures of where everything was and how everything could be set up. At some point during the day I told Cindy I just had to get out for some “alone” time. It didn’t seem to be too odd of a request. Off I went to get the cake. Upon return I bumped into Cindy as I came into the house through the garage, luckily I left the cake in the car just in case such a chance meeting occurred. I’d sneak it in latter, which I was able to do. We were all in the car ready to leave when I “realized I had left my phone in the house” I went back inside while Cindy and Skye waited in the car. I then retrieved the envelope with the photos and instructions, left it out, unlocked side doors and back doors and headed out hoping that this would work out. I didn’t specify anyone to be in charge and didn’t know who was going to show up when. That was part of the fun of it. Half-way through the movie and the guests would hopefully be arriving and setting up. I had sent out an e-mail to the guests that morning but had no idea if anyone checked it. It was out of my hands now.
After the movie, I received a voicemail that indeed, super responsible good friend Linda was there had found envelope and was moving ahead. What a relief. I called shortly before we got home but couldn’t say anything or even risk Cindy hearing me on the phone, so I hung up after a couple rings. Hopefully that would be enough. When we got home Cindy commented that someone must be throwing a party because of all the cars. Skye had been very discreet the days and hours leading up but she was starting to let it slip. I rang the doorbell and then realized I didn’t have my keys. As I waited for Cindy to get the door open, I wondered what would happen next. Who would be there? Where would they lay in wait?

It worked!!
For a moment Cindy thought it was a home-invasion but then she saw it was people she knew, she was still confused since her birthday had been a couple of weeks before. The guests had done a wonderful job being hosts and the party was in full swing within minutes.
Special thanks to Linda
Yummy yummy cake.

The following morning....a Barbie massacre and a bunch of popped water ballons????????
I love this!!! YAY to Jon for pulling this together so last minute. I talked to Cindy as she was waiting for you to get home to see the movie, and she had no idea, of course, what you had planned. The look on her face is priceless!!!!
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