Skye's moving up quickly in Taekwondo. She had a belt test in the morning. There's a lot kids doing Taekwondo. So while the upper belts were sparring, I stepped out grab a bottle of water. Upon my return, and I was only gone for like ten minutes, Skye was sitting down after finishing her form. They had slipped in the White Belts testing in between the Black belts sparing and Green belts and Blue belts sparring. So after waiting and watching all these other kids warm up and kick and yelp I miss Skye's kicking and yelping. Meanwhile the clock is ticking and I realize we will be late for our turn manning her girl scout's booth in the annual Tasting Bee(several troops get together and make traditional international foods and then go around and sample one another's fare) . Not to mention I had volunteered to give another girl a ride to the Tasting Bee, oh and I had forgotten my cell phone to inform anyone of my predicament.
Oh this Belt Ceremony is dragging on, hand out the belts and certificates and let me get out of here. Enough with the speeches. Actually it was really nice but the clock was ticking.
Skye warming up. She's still very flexible.
Skye accepting her certificate and belt. A very happy and proud kid. Way to go kiddo. At least I was there for that.
Skye helping out at her Troop's Russian themed booth.
Girl scouts have been a lot more involved and time consuming than I imagined, but well worth the effort.
After racing back to get my phone I was off to coach the Evel Kninevals, (Skye's basketball team, not my idea for the name, in fact I strongly resisted it which is probably why the girls were so adamant about it.) It as an amazingly close game decided in the last minute. We lost by a close 3 points. The play offs start next week.
Speaking of basketball. The Lakers are on the rise. 10 wins in a row. Go Lakers!!!! Kobe MVP
This was an assume spontaneous moment at one of the home school. This was not staged, in fact us parents were all involved in various discussions and conversations a good 50 yards away. I was too lazy to run over and get a picture so I handed off my camera to fellow home school parent/good friend/photo-journalist Theresa. Notice the nice composition and that the subjects are actually in center of the photo.
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