The Super Duper is also a pot luck and of course I always feel like I have to make something, really its an excuse to cook something up and share. I'm beginning to be a pot luck addict which is a good thing because after the Super Duper, in the early evening is an Set Decorator Society meeting which since the writer's strike has taken to the pot-luck format. So two pot lucks, a Science Fair and what ended up being a really good SDSA meeting in the eve.
But not before we got a little visit from this adorable little guy. He hung out for a long time for a hummingbird, hope he's all right. Photo by Skye.
Cooking, practicing a hurricane presentation and then prepping tow additional "fig-trees". Oh yeah and then running down to flower market to adorn "fig-trees". And then driving, driving, driving.
Skye's presentation board. I have a video of her presentation but until I can figure out how to trim it down, well let's just say it goes on a bit.
Skye trying to see a hole in her hand. Neat optical illusion.
There were lots of great and fun presentations. It really keeps the kids attentions. And the interactions and Q and A's are fascinating to watch.
Liquid nitrogen is way cool, literally and figuratively . I had never seen it explained and demonstrated before. Definitely a crowd favorite.
Ok this is a picture of the original "fig tree" from New Year's Eve. Just imagine 3 of them instead of one and around 90 Prosciutto wrapped figs instead of 30. And then imagine me in the back of my Explorer around the corner from the prop house where the meeting was happening attaching these little guys to their hooks. Pretty funny. What Skye is coming away with from all this only time will tell.
This weekend slows down a bit with a friend's son's band Slinky playing at the Knitting factory, Skye's basketball team's playoff game (I'm coach), a couple of birthday parties and then 26.2 mile of fun with the LA Marathon on Sunday.
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