Three Weeks in a Nutshell
Disclaimer-I've spent over an hour putting together a decent entry to try to encapsulate the going-ons of the last few weeks since we left Cindy in Chicago, only for it to get lost in cyberspace. Only for it to be whisked away in cyber-world oblivion.
This next post won't be nearly as thorough, which some of you may appreciate.
After returning from Chicago much of the first week was unpacking and catching up on a number of things. Much of my time and energy was devoted to helping Skye with her speech for her Public Speaking club and working on her lines for her Shakespeare group.
Still managed to find time to hit the local farmers' markets.
A portable wood-fire oven made incredible pizzas to give us fuel for or morning shopping.
We've been doing a lot of cooking and good eating, but that will be for another post.
Am also in full speed ahead downsize mode, culminating, hopefully sooner than later with the dail of our house and then our move to....???
In the meantime, I have been trying to get rid of stuff without adding to much to landfills. So when Environmental Change Makers were hosting a garden swap, I started grabbing and compiling stuff to contribute, pretty much anything that I deemed to be even closely appropriate and loaded up.
Beverly Hillbilly style
The inside was packed to the gills as well.

A good friend of mine was having a show, headed downtown for some culture, in part to counter balance the next evenings plans.

A friend of mine was having a few people over to cheer on St.Pierre and just hang out and enjoy some MMA competition. I have been a UFC fan since almost the beginning. It was a big reason for me getting in to Brazilian Jujitsu. And several years ago when we were in Montreal I was lucky enough to train a little jujitsu with St. Pierre. Wonderful and humble kid and an absolutely amazing athlete. He must of been around 20 at the time.
I had my own battle coming up the following morning, The Sparta Race.
Some how the Sparta Race finish with a big feris wheel in the background was a litt incongruous.
The race didn't go as planned, but that will be for future posts.
To Be Continued:
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