Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' town. - - - Fred Fisher "Chicago," (1922)
Our last day in Chicago and we had some last minute things to check off the list. Cindy wanted us on the road by 3 pm, so we'd have to get moving.
After Cindy left for work, we packed and started hatching a plan.
We'd only scratched the surface of Millennium Park, and we hadn't even ventured over to Grant's Park. So much to do.
"Proudly referred to as Chicago's "front yard," Grant Park is among the city's loveliest and most prominent parks. The site of three world-class museums -- the Art Institute, the Field Museum of Natural History, and the Shedd Aquarium -- the park includes the museum campus, a 1995 transformation of paved areas into beautiful greenspace. Grant Park's centerpiece is the Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain, built in 1927 to provide a monumental focal point while protecting the park's breathtaking lakefront"
Ok, I knew there was no chance of actually going into any of the museums, but I at least wanted Skye to see them, plus we still had money left on our "L" passes.
Let's Go!!!!!

These boots are made for walkin'?
But seriously Chicago has so much wonderful public art, really loved and enjoyed it.

I marched Skye down to the point and what does she start taking pics of?

Geese...yes her poultry fascination continues

The view was worth the walk, but the clock was ticking and we had so much more to see

The photo-ops were endless, if only I were a better photographer.

Cindy went on about the fountain, probably much more impressive when there was actually water in it.

Honest Abe agrees, "Really it is much better with water in it, I promise you. Cross my heart and hope to...."

My obsession on urban gardening continues

So happy to be part of a movement, go artists, go farmers, go chefs,
No time to smell the roses, okay, go ahead take a whiff, alright already, let's go.
We marched our way through beautiful public parks, weaved through city streets, and then made it to the 103rd floor of the Sear's, I mean Willis Tower.
But just before we got to the Tower we came upon a Garrett Popcorn Shop with no line, hey wait that's on the "to do list".

Didn't get to try some until we got back to the apartment, and then, yeah it's all that.

Amazing view, I didn't make her climb up the many steps I did the week before...mostly cause we didn't have the time.

The pictures are awesome none the less.

Skye you are so cool.

So many photo-ops
After Cindy left for work, we packed and started hatching a plan.
We'd only scratched the surface of Millennium Park, and we hadn't even ventured over to Grant's Park. So much to do.
"Proudly referred to as Chicago's "front yard," Grant Park is among the city's loveliest and most prominent parks. The site of three world-class museums -- the Art Institute, the Field Museum of Natural History, and the Shedd Aquarium -- the park includes the museum campus, a 1995 transformation of paved areas into beautiful greenspace. Grant Park's centerpiece is the Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain, built in 1927 to provide a monumental focal point while protecting the park's breathtaking lakefront"
Ok, I knew there was no chance of actually going into any of the museums, but I at least wanted Skye to see them, plus we still had money left on our "L" passes.
Let's Go!!!!!
These boots are made for walkin'?
But seriously Chicago has so much wonderful public art, really loved and enjoyed it.
I marched Skye down to the point and what does she start taking pics of?
Geese...yes her poultry fascination continues
The view was worth the walk, but the clock was ticking and we had so much more to see
The photo-ops were endless, if only I were a better photographer.
Cindy went on about the fountain, probably much more impressive when there was actually water in it.
Honest Abe agrees, "Really it is much better with water in it, I promise you. Cross my heart and hope to...."
My obsession on urban gardening continues
So happy to be part of a movement, go artists, go farmers, go chefs,
No time to smell the roses, okay, go ahead take a whiff, alright already, let's go.
We marched our way through beautiful public parks, weaved through city streets, and then made it to the 103rd floor of the Sear's, I mean Willis Tower.
But just before we got to the Tower we came upon a Garrett Popcorn Shop with no line, hey wait that's on the "to do list".
Didn't get to try some until we got back to the apartment, and then, yeah it's all that.
Amazing view, I didn't make her climb up the many steps I did the week before...mostly cause we didn't have the time.
The pictures are awesome none the less.
Skye you are so cool.
So many photo-ops
In case people were wondering why Contagion was filmed in Chicago instead of LA...
It's got a film making history, it has nothing to do with tax incentives....
OK that's BS it has everything to do with tax incentives, which came to my mind in the intro video when they explained how great it was that the British-based Willis company bought up controlling interest in the tower and brought even more jobs, hence giving it the much better name Willis which is what all Chicagoans call this building now....not!!
What else was on that to do list?
Oh yeah the pizza taste test

Due day one, Uno on the last day, seems like we got things turned around doesn't it?
Did we really get that all done before Cindy came by to pick us up?
Hell Yeah!!!
Goodbye Chicago
Goodbye Chicago
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