My Marathon Diet
The LA Marathon is 180 days away, just a little this side of 6 months. I plan to have my best marathon time to date. That is the goal.
Usually my goal is simply to finish the 26.2 mile event with as little pain as possible. And try to have some fun along the way. But this year, I want to train to finish faster than I have in the past which won't be too difficult given that most of my times are north of 4 hrs and south of 5, like the freeway, 405???
The tricky thing is that I really don't like running. Actually it's not the running I mind, I mean, I like being able to run far and a good run really lifts my spirits. I get a lot of my best(and worst) ideas on those trails. What I don't like is the regularity of the training, running 4-5 times a week, its like a job or something. So that said I am going to train with a 1-2 run a week regime, filled in with lots of fun cross-training. That's right I am going to try to post my best time ever by running less. I long run a week and then maybe a medium run. The rest of my training will be juijitsu, stairs, my version of cross-fit aka FUNctional Fitness, aerial arts, circus skills, frisbee, what have you. But as far a traditional running training, yep, gonna keep it at 1-2 times a week, starting now.
I'll keep ya posted.
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