My Favorite Martian...I mean Market
My favorite Farmer's Market is the Santa Monica market. Not the one on Sunday, which has as many craft and prepared food stalls as "farmer" vendors and more strollers and hoover-parents than I could imagine. No I'm talking about the one that takes place on Wed and Sun and is semi-overrun by buyers from restaurants and catering companies. The one that is nestled in the Third Street Promenade. That one.
So popular that the cops are the bouncers.
"Chemical and Pesticide Free Vegetables" should be the norm not the exception. It's cheaper to buy corporate veggies in the short run, but the long term costs.....Insurmountable.
What exactly is "organic"? Too often it is becoming a tool for big farms to shut down small farms, ironic isn't it.
Being a localvore is easier when you live in California, the bread basket to the world.
A carnival of good food.
One booth I don't need to visit. Remember Milagro Vertical Farms is the home of the golden eggs. At least that's what they would cost if you factored in all of the upkeep and housing for my little flock of eight. Eight is more than enough.
This is growing like a week in back yard. It's beautiful granted and the birds love when it starts to go to seed, but I had no idea of the possibilities for cooking it like kale or spinach. Yum.
Come out and meet the farmers and see real food, pay now or pay later.
Breaking my writer's block.
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