And the beat GLOWS on...
It's difficult enough to capture the essence of a festival with photos, but at night with a point and shoot and then trying to be in the moment and.....
Ok enough excuses....
N-04 Celeste Boursier-Mougenot--shaped noise
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. This was definitely a crowd favorite. It was fun, true, but maybe it reminded me of when I put the wrong soap in the dishwasher, just last week. Or maybe it was reminiscent of all those foam parties in Ibiza, I was reading about while I was on neighboring island Mallorca.
Follow the light
These big glowing orbs dotted the coast and marked where the various exhibits were.
No 4--Steve Roden--coast lines
In my opinion and that's all it is really, I thought that a lot of the exhibits were interesting concepts that for various reasons missed their mark, at least for me. Part of it was being tired, but a bigger part was hoping and wanting something more, or at least more different.
Often the juxtaposition was more moving than the individual piece. So hat's off to the arranger of that. I mean really hat's off to many, many people who pulled this night off.
N-14-Rafael Lozano-Hemmer--Sandbox
Many of the exhibits relied on audience participation, which of course can have mixed results.
I loved the concept of this and really enjoyed it.
More of the sandbox, hard to know what's going on, also hard to get it all in the frame.
N-16 Hadrian Predock & John Frane--Luminous Passage
A long line, a beautiful installation, lots of work, but rather pedestrian at the end of the day, for me, but still got to appreciate the work.
No Orb, Not on the Menu
A fallen angel, a very tall fallen angel.
Speaking of menu:
Not N-07 Pentti Monkkonen-Barbecue Train
In the Northern parking lot there were a bunch of celebrity food trucks that made up No 07. These are trucks in a parking lot way south of the official exhibit. In my mind they make up the caboose of the train.
N-17 Syyn Labs--DNA Sequencer
Are the brains or controls part of the exhibit? They were certainly a site to behold. We were entering the Rave Zone.
N-13 Robert Chapin, Jessica Cail, Ian Forrest & Team--Muscle Beach Glow
This one definitly took audience participation to new heights
Literally, ........
There were many, many other exhibits and highlights. Too many to get too, too many to shoot. Looking forward Glowing forward.