Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Burned at the Beach....Again

Being fair-skinned and being from Los Angeles has not always been a good combination for me. I have been burned more times than I can remember. As a kid, my nose was in a perpetual burning and peeling cycle. After having a ice-scream scoop chunk of my calf taken out because of melanoma, I've been slathering on sunscreen and avoiding the sun like the cast from Twilight or I guess more age appropriate, True Blood.

Last week, after covering my body with a spray sunscreen, I decided my face needed something a bit more substantial, which I had in my bag. Unfortunately, by the time I dragged all our gear to our spot I had forgotten about one major detail, my face. Oops!!!

Luckily there was a lot of cloud cover and we weren't there for long and it was late in the day, but I got burned.

Today, I was determined for that not to happen again. We were there earlier and it was hot and sunny. So I coated and re-coated and felt confident that I would not get burned again.

What I didn't think about was my feet, specifically the soles of my feet. The sun had brought the sand to a blistering temperature and I was barefoot.

I went for a nice jog, barefoot, and felt pretty good. Until I brushed off the sand getting ready to go home.

And what was under that layer of sand???


Wow. I mean ow.


Kathleen said...

We can't keep you from burning the soles of your feet -- but the moms are always willing to share sunscreen!