An Eggsperiment
The other day I thought we'd do a little test and check if you could actually see the difference between home-grown eggs, farmer's market eggs, and "organic, free-range" eggs from Whole Foods. I wanted to get your real "regular" type eggs, but we were already up to our eyeballs in the little orbs so, we ended up with 3 different egg types.
Egg on the left, the one with a really deep orange hue-one from our girls in the back. The other two are the "free-range, organic" and pretty much identical.
Milky Way is Adding to the Egg Count
Milky Way, who is now the biggest bird in the flock, although Oreo still puts her in her place, to keep the pecking order in tact, is finally laying. And we realized again that there is a learning curve to everything, including laying eggs.
A little one, then a really weird, elongated one, and then a couple that seem just about perfect.
But crack them open and you realize, there's more going on in them eggs than we thought. Each and everyone of them had double yolks, which Skye thinks is absolutely awesome because she doesn't like the whites so much. A little weird though.
Eggs of all shapes and sizes. 3 down 6 left to lay. Things are gonna get interesting.
You're funny. And I love you in all your oddness.
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