Not really, we did go to Palm Springs, but it was only for the evening, but it was just the two of us and it was relaxing. We wish we could of spent more time up there but we needed to pick Skye up from a nearby Girl Scout sleep-over she was attending so that we could get her to her Shakespeare rehearsal on-time.
But it was amazing, none the less.
Cindy booked us in this very central and very cool, just-the-right-size hotel, The Chase Hotel.
Beautiful accommodations and wonderful staff, highly recommended.
The air was so clear and the clouds made a point of putting on a good show.
Oh so wanted to use the pool, but just didn't have the time.
Cindy, just chillin' after our drive in from LA.
"Coming out of the Closet"....???
Having to say good-bye, in the cool desert morn
Amazing windmill just outside of Palm Springs.
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