Chicky, Chick, Chick
I'll start with some sad news. "Baby Huey", that's the name I gave to the chick that was growing like 3x as fast as any of the other chicks, well Baby Huey seemed to be growing too fast. She seemed to be having a hard time supporting her own weight. She would constantly dropping down to rest. She seemed to be literally eating herself to death. And then she died. I called the company where I got the chicks from and as I described Baby Huey it turns out Baby Huey was a meat chicken and with meat chicks you are supposed to take their feed away in the evening, otherwise they will just keep eating and eating. Until they literally eat themselves to death. Which is exactly what Baby Huey did. Poor Baby Huey, RIP.
The rest of the chicks continue to grow and grow.
And they needed more space, so I had to build an extension.
Let me present the Aviary.
It might not look much but the chicks dig it. It took a couple of days before they got the hang of ladder but now they are up and down and enjoying the extra real estate. BTW look at how big they're getting.
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