Inspired by the finale of America's Next Top Model, Skye and I arranged a photo shoot for the one-day old chicks that arrived in the mail April 12 from
McMurray Hatchery, are now 6 weeks old, and have grown from tiny fuzzy little chickies to the equivalent of chicken teenagers and they are ready to leave the nest as it were. We can only keep a couple of them and even that will be pushing the limits of our hen capacity.
We are unsure as to the breed of the different chicks, they came in a "Rainbow Layers"* mixed special and the 5 and the "bonus" chick are from their "Rarest of the Rare"*2 selection. So if you have an idea what kind of chicken is pictured, please add that in the comments, or e-mail me,
With that let me present you with the Chicks:

This lovely girl we believe to be a Blue Andalusian. One of the four older chickens we have is a Blue Andalusian, so this one will be looking for a new home.

This is the one bird that we are certain of the breed, a Naked Neck chicken, however because she came from our incubator one of the 5 hatch-lings, we are unsure whether it is hen or rooster. Her name is Ostrich, which fortunately works out either way.

You must be.....?

This is Senor Egghead , one of our hatchlings. All of the hatchlings are around a week younger than the one-day old chick group.

It is hard to see her pattern from this angle

I am guessing a Buff Orpington, like our own sweet girl Blondie, who has been laying an egg a day rather consistently for a while now and is a very lovely chick indeed.

Ms. Blackberry, So many possibilities....

We have a couple of these very pretty girls

This I believe is an Americana, the type that lays the green/blue eggs. She is one of the "keepers", unless of course Marianne, turns out to be Mr. Marianne. Then its quite another story.

"I'm a girl, I promise!!!!"
What are the Odds?
Will they grow up be beer-can chickens? That's what Skye refers to chicks that are roosters and who might feed us not with eggs but....
Most of them are hens, only six of them could be roosters, but we don't know which six. You see we ordered 25 day old female chicks to which they gave a bonus "straight-run" chick, meaning 1 that they didn't determine the sex. You pay more for hens so their bonus really just confused things. Then there were 5 that hatched out of the incubator, so those 5 could be either hens or roosters. At least we know which 5 those are, at least we used to, I am a little unclear on that now, but Skye seems to be quite sure.

Hanging out with Marianne before the shoot.
Rainbow Layers, as put by McMurray Hatchery, "If you aren't set on a particular breed, here is your chance to get a variety of layers that all lay well. Chickens which lay white, tinted, and brown eggs will be supplied in this beautiful assortment. At least 5 different varieties of our choice are included in Rainbow Layers from these groups of chicks: White Egg Layers, Heavy Breeds, Araucanas, and Rare and Unusual Varieties. We cannot guarantee that breeds from all groups will be included. If you're looking for good layers and want a discount price, our Rainbow Layers will fit the bill."
Rarest of the Rare- "
This is a truly deluxe collection of the rarest, most beautiful and exotic birds. Have you ever seen any of these: Sumatras, Dominiques, Golden Laced and Silver Penciled Wyandottes, Silver, Golden, Buff Laced, and White Polish, Golden Campines, Golden Penciled Hamburgs, Silver Penciled Rocks, Partridge, Black, Buff, Blue, & Silver Laced and White Cochins, Araucanas, Dark and Buff Brahmas, Phoenix, Fayoumis, Salmon Faverolles, W. L. Red Cornish, Lakenvelders, Black and White Langshans, Red Caps, Silver Leghorns, Crevecoeurs, Silver Gray Dorkings, Modern BB Red Games, Sultans, Buttercups, & Spanish? These exotic, beautiful varieties are found only in your larger poultry shows and are extremely rare. Each order of Rarest of the Rare Assortment will include straight run chicks of at least 10 different varieties from the breeds listed above. We cannot guarantee to include or omit specific breeds from the above list. If you must have only certain varieties, please order the exact variety, sex, and number of each you want."
So as you can see there are an enormous number of possibilities and I am by no means a poultry expert, but it seems that I am heading in that direction.