Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So Many Tomatoes So Little Time

The tomatoes are doing well, almost too well.
I've given some away.
We have been eating them night and day, dishing them out at park days, making them into salsas.
Right now were slow, slow roasting some to then drop into oil and have our very on "sun-dried" tomatoes.

Yummy, yum, yum.

Skye carefully slices up the little cherry tomatoes.

Little gems of delight.

But when it comes to the "Mortgage Lifter" giant tomato.....ATTACK!!!!!!!!!


Theresa said...

Park day salsa was Amazing!!

cindy carr said...

you haven't blogged since tuesday! where' news of my little family? i know, i know, you've been too busy. but i thought you'd like that i commented!!!