Well I got back from a run and was down to 194 lbs, which was down from the 198 lbs of yesterday. So obviously a goodly amount of water weight. Who knows what tomorrow holds?
I know I am getting a bit obsessive about my weight. And I know how little the pounds matter, its more about how you feel, BMI, distribution of body weight, etc.
But it's an easy thing to measure, it's a bench mark that's easily translatable. Looking in a full-length mirror, I also realized how hard it is going to be to lose 10-15 pounds. I probably have 5 pounds of flab, after that I'll be getting into some redistribution and reshaping of muscle.
Why do I want to lose 10-15 ?Look I would love to have a set of 6-pack abs. Never had them, so that would be cool. But here are the real reasons.
Running and racingI had my best time yet at the LA Marathon, but it was tough both on the training runs and the race itself to lug around 200+ lbs. I just signed up for the Malibu Marathon and am eyeing a ultra-marathon after that, so I really, really want to be a bit lighter.
BasketballI have slam dunked a basketball in my youth and for a time slamming down a volleyball was no big thing. But I was younger and lighter way back then. It would be fun to do that again.
Jui JitsuA double edge sword here, when I am lighter, I am quicker, more agile and can last longer. Heavier though I can literally crush my opponent, applying significant pressure with just my body weight. But I feel better lighter.
The FUNdamentalsIt's been around two weeks of "play" exercise and my body is pretty wracked. Between the extreme pogo, unicycle slackline, jui jitsu, ocean swimming, some stairs, some trail work and most recently an aerial arts/trapeze class I'm taking with Skye, I am aching, feeling muscles I didn't know I had. It's been a good couple of weeks and I have avoided any sort of real repitition, except some lap work in the pool. It's been good. I have seen some real results and had a lot of FUN.
That being said, I just recently signed up for another marathon and I'm looking at it as a stepping stone to try to do my first Ultra-marathon. This will in fact require some regular workouts and a defined strategy. But I do want to really limit the running I do. I think I can get to the level I need with a weekly long and medium-long run and then just supplement that with some sprint work and stairs. We'll see.
Also I'm going to start playing around with some I-phone app-based workouts that are all about repitition, but they are all body weight excercises and if it works out, I'll have some good bragging rights. They are as follows:
100 push-ups200 sit-ups(really crunches)200 squats20 pull upsSo I will be doing some reps after all. And after listening to my shoulder going click-clack, click clack on the trapeze, I realized I need to get back to my rehab excercises. So I will be doing a little weight-training, more maintenience than anything else.
But I will still be playing around alot and having FUN!!!