So where am I?
Why do I feel like I am spinning out of axis?
For starters Skye was in camp, I am not "working" and Cindy's job is winding down. So there are a lot questions.
And it's an election year.
And the planet is warming and I am obsessing on our Global Impact as opposed to Global Warming.
I have been spending a lot of time researching, and playing and on and on and feeling lucky and depressed and wondering how things might have been....
And enjoying music and getting bored by music and on and on.......
I am imagining more solar panels, perhaps a wind turbine, a "green roof", an urban beehive, a chicken coop, and maybe, just maybe a new floor in the dining room...
In the mean time, when not gazing so intently on my own navel, I have had the incredible opportunity to share with my good friends Bill and now Ilka Lakoff, their beautiful wedding celebrations. We are particularly fortunate in being witness and I suppose host to Bill's proposal at one of our parties, curse me for not recalling which one. My mind is rusting/leaking.
Not much of a picture, but important none the less, features the back of Michael Sweeney, such an old soul and friend, worked with Cindy before I knew Cindy and has worked with us since then on so many different projects, always bringing an inestimable group of positives and yes with a Venice attitude which is for me also a positive. We get a profile of his beautiful wife Shafika, we see my beautiful and wonderful wife in between them and then I'm that sliver of short hair and black shirtness on the right edge.
A beautiful and amazing and touching ceremony on the beach.
OK I know the photo looks less than appealing but this was Skye off to a pretty amazing camp experience at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum.
But NO, NO, NO,!!!!!!!!
That is not where I have been. I have been watching the Tour de France, religiously,and the winner is Carlos SASTRE. And it was an amazing tour.
And I have been in the garden.
And I have been seeing the future and WOW I am tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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