Monday, July 07, 2008

Eco-fest and beyond, Lots of useful links


Besides seeing how many people were trying to turn a profit while saving the planet, there was a lot of information, tips and hints, etc.

The LA Dept. of Water and Power and the City of LA Public Works Bureau of Sanitation both are having an increasing presence at these events I've noticed. The Sanitation has been really good with recycling info, as well as S.A.F.E(Solvents, Automotive, Flammables, and Electronics) collection centers and compost workshops and sales.

California Recycles recycles electronic stuff. I dropped off a lot of cables, a defunct printer and a bunch other stuff. They were cool and helpful.

Joel Andreas, author of "Addicted to War" as you might guess an anti-war book. Spoke with him for a bit of time until Skye's patience started to wane. OK a little beyond the end of her patience. Ending up buying the book and DVD.

Last, (at least of the ones, I'm posting on, there were many others) but certainly not least was Global Ghetto, maker of luxury bamboo tees, AKA last minute anniversary present for Cindy. They are actually very nice and comfortable, and of course eco-friendly.

And Life Goes On

That night, as part of our anniversary celebration Cindy and I headed out sans Skye to the premiere of the HBO, Alan Ball-created series, True Blood. We both really enjoyed it and had a lovely evening.

Sunday was spent gardening, realizing that our pool filter had sprung a significant leak and the our salt water chlorine generating device wasn't working, not good news when you are having a 4th of July pool party. And getting ready to send Skye off to sleep away camp.

Skye and Amandla at Camp Hollywoodland The two of them are both camp veterans, old pros now.

Here cabin mates.

So with Skye being away I had plenty of time to relax or.....jump in on 1, 2, 5, or more of the bazillion projects I have lined up. Bazillion or make that a brazillion,(even more), reminds of a Bush joke....

Three Brazilian Soldiers

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

A Brazillion Projects

Starting to get rid of some of my junk and organize the rest of it, so that I'll have room for the stuff I really need. Beginning to love Craigslist.

Prepare a menu and shop for upcoming party. Note I am still cooking and preparing stuff for and from that party and it is July 8.

Preparing fun and information scavenger hunt/ challenge game for the party. I am still sifting through the research and materials compiled for said event. After reviewing what I had assembled I realized that just finishing the 21 challenges would have taken a couple of days.

Serving on an additional committee for SDSA, cause VP and the events committee weren't doing enough to fill up that vacuum of free time I have to deal with.

And on and on and on.........

But I did make time to take in my recyclables rather than just throwing money away by carting it to the curb.

Read it and weep. I did. That's almost 5 bucks baby.