Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where in the World is Jon?--Revisited

What begin a time ago as a way to record/reflect my transition to 40+ness endured beyond said dreaded date and became a sharing of my experience venue for lack of better phrasing. But in the last week that dreaded mid-life crisis experience that I had so successfully avoided and I thought averted came down on me like a hammer on an anvil, me being the heated piece of iron being beat upon. And I had to re-visit Where in the World is Jon?

So where am I?

Why do I feel like I am spinning out of axis?

For starters Skye was in camp, I am not "working" and Cindy's job is winding down. So there are a lot questions.

And it's an election year.

And the planet is warming and I am obsessing on our Global Impact as opposed to Global Warming.


I have been spending a lot of time researching, and playing and on and on and feeling lucky and depressed and wondering how things might have been....

And enjoying music and getting bored by music and on and on.......

I am imagining more solar panels, perhaps a wind turbine, a "green roof", an urban beehive, a chicken coop, and maybe, just maybe a new floor in the dining room...

In the mean time, when not gazing so intently on my own navel, I have had the incredible opportunity to share with my good friends Bill and now Ilka Lakoff, their beautiful wedding celebrations. We are particularly fortunate in being witness and I suppose host to Bill's proposal at one of our parties, curse me for not recalling which one. My mind is rusting/leaking.

Not much of a picture, but important none the less, features the back of Michael Sweeney, such an old soul and friend, worked with Cindy before I knew Cindy and has worked with us since then on so many different projects, always bringing an inestimable group of positives and yes with a Venice attitude which is for me also a positive. We get a profile of his beautiful wife Shafika, we see my beautiful and wonderful wife in between them and then I'm that sliver of short hair and black shirtness on the right edge.

A beautiful and amazing and touching ceremony on the beach.

OK I know the photo looks less than appealing but this was Skye off to a pretty amazing camp experience at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum.

But NO, NO, NO,!!!!!!!!

That is not where I have been. I have been watching the Tour de France, religiously,and the winner is Carlos SASTRE. And it was an amazing tour.

And I have been in the garden.

And I have been seeing the future and WOW I am tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Awesome Alvin

Alvin is a Texas Unicorn Praying Mantis. We got him as a "back-up" for the Super Duper Show and Tell in case the mantis egg sacs we had didn't hatch in time. Well they didn't and Alvin became the star of Skye's presentation.

Since then he has molted several times, growing and growing. We have moved him into a new habitat and he is doing quite well.

For all his quirky looks and charm, Alvin is in the end a ruthless, cold-blooded killer.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mid-July, A Mixed Bag

Summertime, so much to do so little time. Wait that's not just in summer.....

My birthday surprise cake at the park with the moms and kids and me.

Of all the times Skye has gone to Jui jitsu with me and of all the times I've asked her to get a photo of me, most are blurry or of some one else. This is the one that's usable.

Yes I am getting choked out, but to be fair he outweighs me by 20 or 30 pounds and ranks two belts above(given that there are only 5 belts in Brazilian Juijitsu, that's pretty significant) but still.....

Ran a 10k last weekend with Theresa Haynes(home school mom to River and Micah and provider of aforementioned birthday cake)

Parking and traffic was hell causing dissension in the ranks

Running is fun!!!!
Note we are only around a mile into it at this point.

Race to the finish. Dude whatever happened to "Ladies first"?

I kept pace with Theresa for the first 5 miles and then legged it on the final mile.

A great way to start a Sunday

The All-Knowing, All-Wise Cici.

Beach days are here.

Skye heading out

And catching a wave

Out of like a dozen or so photos, this is the closest I go to having the girls look at the camera with eyes open.
Crazy kids!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

I Blog to Remember

A little riff on the classic Eagles, Hotel California, "Some dance to remember. Some dance to forget." Well I definitely blog to remember.

This morning, I wondered as I so often do, "Where did this week go?" And then I started flipping through the stack of magazines that I am currently looking at/reading,; Bon appetit, Earth Island Journal, Discover, E, Egologist, dwell, Secular Homeschooling, New York Times Magazine, home power, Outside, The Economist, Entertainment Weekly, Wired, Scientific American, Wine Spectator, Men's Health, The Utne Reader, Bike, Surface

Then there's the books Addicted to War, The Organic Manual, Green House

I looked at last week:

Yeah!!! My Birthday, I guess.
"Surprise" Massage gift from Cindy and Skye--Kind of threw off my day in a mostly good way, except for the comment about the "tremendous amount of scar tissue in my shoulder region" I kind of knew that was coming, seeing as a few years back I tore up my shoulder in a snowboard accident. Only problem it was the other shoulder.

Continuing 4th of July clean-up

Home schooling Skye

Park day and oh another surprise birthday cake and song, thanks to Theresa and the gang

Home schooling Sky
Carving a watermelon basket for fruit salad
Shopping for Skye's friend birthday and then
Annie's Birthday Party
Alpha session-Philosophical/Theological weekly discussion with friends

Home schooling Skye
Signing Skye up for more summer camps
Cleaning up flower vase that end up breaking in my hand and causing stitch-worthy laceration
Meeting at Charles and Charles for next SDSA meeting
Skye's TaeKwonDo
Finale of Hell's Kitchen and trying to catch up with So you Think you can dance

Home schooling Skye
Driving out to La Canada for purchase and tutorial on my latest Craigslist purchase of an industrial wood chipper/mulcher
Taking recyclables in for $8.45 and showing Skye where some of our junk goes
Park day-Relaxing and chatting with the girls
SDSA Board Meeting til almost 10pm
Catching up on So you Think you can dance

I know it's a lot of mundane nonsense and there is a lot of e-mailing, phone calling and then learning the best way to dress a deep finger wound since I didn't want to go to the hospital. Blogging, trying to keep up with the news, the Lakers trade deals, the Tour de France, and such and so.

Jack of all trades...Adult ADD....Multi-tasking.... “Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?”

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Fourth of July Party/BBQ

The Fourth of July Extravaganza
We throw two fairly big parties each year, if we're in town. One on New Year's Eve and one on Fourth of July with a smattering of smaller parties through out the year. Needless to say we enjoy entertaining. As many times as we throw parties and as many times that I promise Cindy that I will scale things down, I invariably come up with some great idea, be it a decorative theme or item, a new menu, a home or yard "improvement", or in the case of this Fourth of July a party game.

The Game and Prep

Now not just any party game, one with clues, one that would be fun, challenging, and interactive. If I had had an extra week and the party went all week end the game I created would have been perfect. As it was I woke up on Friday morning at around 2:30 and was going full tilt in prep mode until, well, to put it bluntly I never was ready. Skye spent 30 minutes putting together the Civil Literacy Quiz. The first guest ended up collating the rules and clues sheets(three pages worth) down by the pool. Through out the course of the party I was running up to the printer. A couple of the items weren't possible such as #17 "Who am I? Really who am I? We'll be assigning secret roles for people to play the founding fathers. 150 points to take on a character. 25 points for identifying each historigal or guy." And there was a total possible 1776 points. So do you think I've learned my lesson? Probably not

Cindy was kind and patient enough to help me with my madness by painstakingly cutting cellophane pieces to create the Betsy Ross Flag to greet guest. Also for one's perusing were copies of the Declaration of Independence, several other writings of Thomas Jefferson, a copy of "The School of Good Manners" and a copy of the "New England Primer". Oh and of course you were invited to sign the guest book with a real Quill pen and ink that Skye had helped make from a dry mix, very authentic indeed.

A couple of the flower arrangements I did, note the red, white, and blue theme. Also these pictures were take late in the day after the party. We failed miserably in getting photos, like usual. Also the arrangement in the foreground was part of the very first Clue, "Under white tulips are pebbles of glass. Ponder their numbers, all red, white and blue. The closer you are the more points you get. On the nose gets you 125 points. Each stone away will cost you a mark.

At the same time, I was cooking up a couple of my Beer Can Chickens, laying out an elaborate hot-dog condiment line-up, setting out drinks, chips and dips, made a really yummy Soda Bean Salad, a couple of green salads, etc. etc etc.

And then the guests started arriving......


Like I said the first people to the party were immediately put to work which is a Danniells/Carr tradition. So a special thanks to Tyler for collating the game sheets while also taking on being the adult by the pool. And also congratulations on winning the game with I think 960 points, I don't recall because after correcting it I returned it to her. But she hands down beat everyone else.

And then people just kept coming with food, with kids, with wine and beer. It was the potluck to beat all potlucks. More than one person came to me saying that they had "stopped" eating several times only to be faced with a new food item. And the food ranged from the grilled meats and dogs that are so very Fourth of July to a variety of salads to candied chicken feet, thanks Tim. It was like cooking club practically. One of the best entries to date in the guest sign-in, which by the way very rarely gets touched, people just don't expect it these days, I suppose, anyway,
"Hey Jon,
This was great fun! Thanks for having me over. Unfortunately, I'm leaving here 300 pounds heavier. Call me again when I get back from the 3rd world country I will be forced to move to after eating everything including one of your guests"

I would include his/her name except I didn't know which guest she ate and that could get problematic.

And meanwhile kids as well as adults were splashing around. I tried to make it down to plunge and soak myself, but just as I was on the last terrace level, Cindy summoned me back with hosting duties.

All in all we had 50 people roll in over the course of the party, ranging from infant age to grandparents, from people I had known in high school to new friends we're just getting to know. It was great, great time. I truly wish Cindy or I or someone, anyone had taken more pictures.

Well into the party with two friends from high school.

After watching fire works shoot up from all over the city we had some of our own.

Sparkling little Skye

I had a great although exhausting time and am so pleased that so many people came and made it a very memorable evening.

Speaking of memorable...

While running around like a crazy person, bare foot, cause wasn't thinking. Getting the grill prepped for the beer-can-chicken. Oops I stepped on a burning ember.

blep, blep, blep and you can imagine the other expletives that poured out.

Sorry for the disturbing image, but I had to share.

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Eco-fest and beyond, Lots of useful links


Besides seeing how many people were trying to turn a profit while saving the planet, there was a lot of information, tips and hints, etc.

The LA Dept. of Water and Power and the City of LA Public Works Bureau of Sanitation both are having an increasing presence at these events I've noticed. The Sanitation has been really good with recycling info, as well as S.A.F.E(Solvents, Automotive, Flammables, and Electronics) collection centers and compost workshops and sales.

California Recycles recycles electronic stuff. I dropped off a lot of cables, a defunct printer and a bunch other stuff. They were cool and helpful.

Joel Andreas, author of "Addicted to War" as you might guess an anti-war book. Spoke with him for a bit of time until Skye's patience started to wane. OK a little beyond the end of her patience. Ending up buying the book and DVD.

Last, (at least of the ones, I'm posting on, there were many others) but certainly not least was Global Ghetto, maker of luxury bamboo tees, AKA last minute anniversary present for Cindy. They are actually very nice and comfortable, and of course eco-friendly.

And Life Goes On

That night, as part of our anniversary celebration Cindy and I headed out sans Skye to the premiere of the HBO, Alan Ball-created series, True Blood. We both really enjoyed it and had a lovely evening.

Sunday was spent gardening, realizing that our pool filter had sprung a significant leak and the our salt water chlorine generating device wasn't working, not good news when you are having a 4th of July pool party. And getting ready to send Skye off to sleep away camp.

Skye and Amandla at Camp Hollywoodland The two of them are both camp veterans, old pros now.

Here cabin mates.

So with Skye being away I had plenty of time to relax or.....jump in on 1, 2, 5, or more of the bazillion projects I have lined up. Bazillion or make that a brazillion,(even more), reminds of a Bush joke....

Three Brazilian Soldiers

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

A Brazillion Projects

Starting to get rid of some of my junk and organize the rest of it, so that I'll have room for the stuff I really need. Beginning to love Craigslist.

Prepare a menu and shop for upcoming party. Note I am still cooking and preparing stuff for and from that party and it is July 8.

Preparing fun and information scavenger hunt/ challenge game for the party. I am still sifting through the research and materials compiled for said event. After reviewing what I had assembled I realized that just finishing the 21 challenges would have taken a couple of days.

Serving on an additional committee for SDSA, cause VP and the events committee weren't doing enough to fill up that vacuum of free time I have to deal with.

And on and on and on.........

But I did make time to take in my recyclables rather than just throwing money away by carting it to the curb.

Read it and weep. I did. That's almost 5 bucks baby.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Venice Ecofest--Green is the new Gold

So last weekend, Skye and I head over to Venice to check out the Eco-fest. There's always some great stuff. It's a great home school opportunity. But man, oh man being green can get pricey. I know, I know there are plenty of ways to be environmentally sound and aware and not spend an arm and leg in the process, but that's not nearly as much fun.

The traffic and parking was absolutely out of control. The $15 lot that was 10 blocks away was already full, there was spaces available at the $25 and $25.50 lots but that seemed a bit much. After driving around for a good 15 minutes I opted for the $20 lot that was only a block away.

A lot of booths, some cool and informative, some with free stuff, a lot with stuff you really wouldn't need but that were in one way or another good for the environment.

Like the Fire Groove booth. You know Fire Groove, they blend fire dancing with yoga and martial arts for cutting edge excercise and dance. Can't get much more environmentally aware than that. Just joking, but fire is cool and dance is cool so put the two together and its like peanut butter and chocolate.

We didn't see anyone perform. I don't know if they were simply in between sets or that not having a band was really the greenest way to go, maybe still aware of the backlash from Live Earth .

But really there were a lot of cool, interesting and informative booths.

Skye got in on the action in one, helping to create an installation piece.

It was very beautiful and poignant piece by a Brazilian artist about the deforestation of the Amazon.

My taking a picture of a photographer getting of picture of Skye helping make a picture.

A pretty perfect day to be down by the beach.

There was sanctioned graffiti art. Wait I guess that not graffiti then.

Wouldn't be complete without earth friends.

And there is nothing more educational than having a constrictor put around your neck by a total stranger.

All in all a lot of fun. As always I am beginning to fade and have too much to do so must cut this short.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and go ahead and drink the tap. There are a ton of other thinks that will sicken and kill you first.