On Wednesday after Skye and Cindy did the Luxemborg Garden tour(Skye's favorite spot on the vacation, fun swings and slides and usually American girls her age), Cindy and I
went out. Cindy had arranged a babysitter from the States via Craig's list, the miracles and conviences of the internet. We had an adult night out, finally. We had an amazing meal at Le Dome du Marais, nice wine, impeccable service, yummy, yummy food. Amazingly our 10th year anniversary dinner lived up to the hype. Granted at this point a night out alone at McDonald's would've probably satisfied us. But no really, we had an amazing meal, eating things we normally don't, roast duckling and lamb and a couple of desserts.(Maybe we should eat these things more often). Then we hit the Absinthe Cafe and had a very nice Absinthe, Francois Guy in a public place. It was very much fun to have the fountain and spoons and all in Paris. Wonderful night.
Off we go to Versailles, slightly tainted because currently they are undergoing restoration on the entrance, so a little less awe inspiring. ***Need to speed up blog, family getting restless*** The tourist lines are growing, we are noticing. We check out the gardens, and the grounds, find a time when the lines die down, cruise through the house. Oh my God, what excess, what a lot of a lot and then more some. All in all pretty remarkable. Back to the gardens and fountains, (my biggest interest in the tour)
We rented a row boat and cruised up and down the grand canal, really more like sputtered and janked to one end and then splashy floppy back. Skye took a turn at the oars and did surprisingly well. 

Off we go to Versailles, slightly tainted because currently they are undergoing restoration on the entrance, so a little less awe inspiring. ***Need to speed up blog, family getting restless*** The tourist lines are growing, we are noticing. We check out the gardens, and the grounds, find a time when the lines die down, cruise through the house. Oh my God, what excess, what a lot of a lot and then more some. All in all pretty remarkable. Back to the gardens and fountains, (my biggest interest in the tour)
Musee D'Orsay and the Luxemburg Gardens, again
We made it out a decent hour and hit the last big musuem on the list, Musee D'Orsay. Now this time we had prepped Skye in advance. At another Musuem's bookstore we found a kid's guide to the D'Orsay and so we did a little learning in advance and it made all the difference in the world. It was a really incredible experience, imagine that. Yes, I sound jaded, I'm not a huge arts and musuem fan, although invariably I get into it once I get there. And there are what like a bazillion musuems, churches, historic sites etc in Paris. So while I don't want to "miss" anything I also want to appreciate what I'm seeing. This sentiment probably goes 5 times more for Skye and maybe a half dose to Cindy. Anyway on top of all that's usually there an amazing tempory exhibit with lots of Van Gough,(my fav), Gauguin, Degas, Cezanne and wonderful film with Renoir. Then off to the park for Skye's entertainment. Cindy split off to Le Centre Georges Pompidor for some more musuem, modern this time. 
Rodin, Medivel times, a reunion, a carnival and a gay parade, what a day
I finally went for a jog, almost killed me. And hour up to the L'arche de Triomphand back. And then winding down on the musuems, off to see Rodin. It was perfect, small, one artist, a lovely garden to stroll in, very, very nice. Then off to see a Medievel garden at Musee national du Moyen Age. After a pleasant stroll down St Germain, lots of cool shops and then, almost there and the gay parade, a huge gay parade blocked our way, literally. We were within a minute of crossing the road but did not make it. It wasn't such a delay. We checked out the musuem, saw the very famous unicorn tapestries and then...didn't get to see the garden. You see they were around the corner, on the route of the gay parade and were locked up. Oh well let's check out the parade.
And then off to see Cindy's cousin, but first a little of a carnival on the way, that was quite an impromtu.
Back to cousin, Michael Huston who happened to be in Paris, like he happened to be in Paris around 29 years before, in between they'd only seen each other a couple of time. Amazing the drifts and reconnections in life. Add to that, after dinner Guiness at Carr's Irish bar. Wow!! 
Wow--it looks like you had a wonderful time! Can't wait to read the rest.
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